Memorial Day is an opportunity for us to pay our respects to our military men and woman who laid down their lives defending our freedoms.
Each of these soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines stepped up to protect the nation they loved.
On May 29, the City of Moreno Valley will honor the sacrifices of these selfless heroes.
The annual West Coast Thunder Memorial Day Bike Run/Parade will head down Sunnymead Boulevard beginning at Frederick Street at 9:30 a.m. Riders will continue to Soboba Casino’s outdoor arena for a musical tribute for our veterans
At 2 p.m., Mayor Yxstian Gutierrez will preside over the City’s Memorial Day Ceremony at the Veteran’s Memorial located at the Moreno Valley Civic Center.
Major General Randall A. Ogden, commander of the nation’s 4th Air Force, will deliver the keynote address.
Other special guests will include:
Mayor Pro Tem Victoria Baca
Council Member Jeffrey Giba
Council Member David Marquez
Blue Eagles Total Force Honor Guard
Moreno Valley Master Chorale
Valley View High School Vocalist Yensid Anderson
Peanut Butter and Jelly Drive
The City of Moreno Valley is collecting donations of jars of peanut butter and jelly in support of a volunteer-led hospitality service for departing and returning war zone soldiers at March Air Reserve Base.
Please bring your donation to the City's Memorial Day ceremony and support our military members.