DATE: MARCH 15, 2022
TIME: 5:00 P.M.
PLACE: The Moreno Valley Ranch Community Clubhouse – 16010 Rancho Del Lago, Moreno Valley, California
PURPOSE: Voting on Amending CC&Rs and Bylaws
The Special Meeting of Members for all Neighborhoods and Neighborhood Delegates originally held on the January 13, 2022, to vote on amending the CC&Rs and Bylaws was adjourned to March 15, 2022, in light of impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in January and surge in cases that had numerous members and delegates sick and unable to attend. The March 15, 2022 meeting will also allow for attendance by members and delegates via zoom in addition to in-person. Delegates will also be able to cast votes by zoom.
As previously informed, the meeting’s purpose to amend the CC&Rs and Bylaws. The CC&Rs and Bylaws are being amended to encompass one-single document (rather than the current versions with various amendments) and to update terms and provisions to industry standard and current laws.
Please direct any questions to the inspector of elections at [email protected] or to management at 951-485-2020 or [email protected].